Titan Crane - Clydebank, Scotland
Corporate Clients
Whether your company is large or small, you need a partner that you can work with and trust. With decades of experience with large corporates, Warren Elsmore can provide you with just that.
Hundreds of our customers have trusted us to promote their brand, represent their company or highlight their values with a unique LEGO® creation. Why not join them?
Sometimes a building’s designs lend themselves really well to being replicated in LEGO bricks. The cladding on the new Moxy Hotel in Slough is just such as building. I say ‘new’ and I really mean it. It was so new it was being built at the same time as we were building our replica of it! We were asked by the construction company - Morgan Sindall - to create a LEGO version of the hotel as their gift to the hotel management.
When there's something strange.... in your neighbour-Hub office... OK, I'll stop the ghostbusters puns now - but what if you do have something a bit unusual that you need help with? Especially if it's made of LEGO!
Around a month or so ago we got an unusual request from a usual customer. LEGO (UK) had a phone box in their central London office - but it needed to be on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. Having been installed when the office opened, no-one knew who had built it, or how, or how on earth it could be removed. All they knew was that there was ‘some steel’ inside a ‘mainly unglued’ model. Well, we like a challenge!
As part of their one-year anniversary celebrations for the merger of Maersk A/S and Hamburg Süd, Maersk commissioned a 1:200 scale model of one of Hamberg Süd’s CAP SAN fleet to be displayed at their Hamburg offices. This beautifully detailed model is presented in the official company colours in December 2018 and was a great success with the staff.
A few weeks ago, we were in Berlin for Fruit Logistica 2019 - more on that soon! Only a couple of weeks later and we are back again!
A week or so ago we had an enquiry that needed someone to travel to Barcelona for the weekend. As there’s one staff member who speaks reasonable Spanish , Alastair seemed the perfect person! We asked him to let us know how he got on….
I was pointed to an article on LinkedIn this week, which happens to cover our DFDS ship - and is a great explanation of what we and DFDS were trying to achieve. And just in case you don't speak Danish, here's an English translation, courtesy of Google translate:

Museums and Galleries
Warren Elsmore has worked with museums and galleries since the very start. Our first public outing was an exhibition of Brick City - breaking all visitor records!
Whether you are looking for a touring special exhibition, a custom designed model or a unique event to attract new visitors - we’ll make sure it goes like clockwork.

A selection of Warren Elsmores work on display in that National Museum of Scotland
They say ‘better late than never’ and in this case, it’s been two years! This summer, ‘Brick by Brick’ opens in Exeter - an exhibition literally years in the making!
Allison Sparks of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Museum had seen the bespoke figures we had created for the Bannockburn, Alloa Tower and Culross House visitor sites, and she was interested in seeing if we could work together on some figs. The Museum was undergoing a major overhaul and planned on re-opening in Summer 2020. As with everything that was delayed by the pandemic, but they have just re-opened to the public (with some COVID restrictions still in place) and we’ve been delighted to be part of their story.
Even in normal times - we can’t predict the future. Right now it’s even harder to say when life will be back to normal or what will even happen next week.
What we can guarantee though, is what we can do in order to keep as safe as possible. With years of successful touring behind us, we can also plan ahead as much as possible. To pre-plan for changes whenever they happen. To make sure that we will do as much as we can to help you have a successful show. So, for all of our touring exhibitions we are today announcing our COVID-19 guarantee
All of our exhibition openings are coming thick and fast now! This week it’s the turn of Leicester Museum (formally the New Walk Museum)
We installed Brick City a little while back, as it was one of the more challenging layouts. Working with the museum, we developed a complete one-way system to help visitors social distance whilst making sure they didn’t miss out on any of the show. It’s actually worked out really well.
Overnight on Sunday, we were in the Grand Arcade in Cambridge. A shopping centre with all the shops shut. Why? To install Brick History throughout the arcade for the next two weeks!
It’s been a very strange summer for everyone this year. Thankfully though, the UK is slowly starting to open up again. With museums and galleries opening as well, what better way to make your visit even more exciting than a LEGO exhibition?
Brick City has arrived at ‘The Base’ in Greenham Common.
The Base is a great new arts and exhibition venue which opened in early 2019 , the centre has several ‘in residence’ artists working from studio spaces on the first floor… but there are is now an influx of new residents on the ground floor - MINIFIGURES !
The other week saw the delivery of a bespoke LEGO model which will become a focal point of Coventry Cathedral centenary celebrations.
Christmas scene - Grand Arcade, Cambridge, UK.
Public Spaces
Nothing attracts the public like one of our builds! To help you bring visitors in, we’ll work with you to deliver an exhibition, create some stunning visuals or create a one-off attraction.
Talk to us about what we can do to add that extra excitement.
Sometimes a building’s designs lend themselves really well to being replicated in LEGO bricks. The cladding on the new Moxy Hotel in Slough is just such as building. I say ‘new’ and I really mean it. It was so new it was being built at the same time as we were building our replica of it! We were asked by the construction company - Morgan Sindall - to create a LEGO version of the hotel as their gift to the hotel management.
When there's something strange.... in your neighbour-Hub office... OK, I'll stop the ghostbusters puns now - but what if you do have something a bit unusual that you need help with? Especially if it's made of LEGO!
Around a month or so ago we got an unusual request from a usual customer. LEGO (UK) had a phone box in their central London office - but it needed to be on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. Having been installed when the office opened, no-one knew who had built it, or how, or how on earth it could be removed. All they knew was that there was ‘some steel’ inside a ‘mainly unglued’ model. Well, we like a challenge!
We had great fun collaborating with the Grand Arcade Shopping Centre in Cambridge to create a Christmas scene as part of this year’s festivities. And we are extremely happy with the finished results!
Even in normal times - we can’t predict the future. Right now it’s even harder to say when life will be back to normal or what will even happen next week.
What we can guarantee though, is what we can do in order to keep as safe as possible. With years of successful touring behind us, we can also plan ahead as much as possible. To pre-plan for changes whenever they happen. To make sure that we will do as much as we can to help you have a successful show. So, for all of our touring exhibitions we are today announcing our COVID-19 guarantee
Overnight on Sunday, we were in the Grand Arcade in Cambridge. A shopping centre with all the shops shut. Why? To install Brick History throughout the arcade for the next two weeks!
The people of Westhill in Aberdeenshire certainly were the other week! We were asked to do something special to celebrate Book Week with a theme of 'nourishment'. So what better than to make a mosaic of the very hungry Caterpillar?
… At St Enoch’s Shopping Centre in Glasgow. The team were here building a giant heart, with some help from the public, just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Often, our work is delivered not direct to a client, but by an agency who are responsible for delivering a complete solution to their clients.
With decades of experience, we’re used to working as part of an extended team to deliver a faultless experience.
Whether we’re helping to create an enticing trade stand, generating content from our studio - or simply building up LEGO sets for your client - we can work hand in hand with you.

Sometimes we're approached with a request that isn't so much about the build - it's more about the photography of the final result. When we were asked to create a magazine cover we knew it would be the case this time!
There are lots of stop motion videos, showing LEGO sets being built. When it comes to creating custom models and creating a stop motion video of their creation - in 5 days - then it’s worth turning to a professional
A week or so ago we had an enquiry that needed someone to travel to Barcelona for the weekend. As there’s one staff member who speaks reasonable Spanish , Alastair seemed the perfect person! We asked him to let us know how he got on….

Bespoke, fully-decorated Christmas Tree
Private Individuals
An extra special birthday present? That gift for someone who has it all? Maybe it’s just a real treat for yourself.
Talk to us about creating a little excitement in someone’s life.

In today’s increasingly busy world, it can take something special to bring attention to your cause. We can give you a unique appeal and something to remember.
Talk to us about a fundraising build, retail kit or pocket money memento.

Bespoke printed LEGO keyrings
Breaking news!
Last night, our office CCTV system (Claus-Catching Trap with Video) picked up an intruder examining the office Christmas tree!