Custom Exhibitions
Made for you and your space
Perfect for smaller spaces - or exhibition spaces that already have display cases available. Brick Built showcases the best of our work over the years. We can include beautifully designed miniature models or huge freestanding models standing 2 meters tall.
Every Brick Built exhibition is tailored to you - and only you.
One size does not fit all. Although all of our packaged exhibitions are flexible to fit into many different venues, what if you need something that little bit special?
Whether it's an exhibition to fit your unique space requirements, something that will highlight or complement your own collections, or perhaps a dream exhibition that you've had in your mind forever, Warren Elsmore will work with you to create the ideal LEGO exhibition for your venue.
If you have an existing exhibition area, or one that already has display cabinets, why not consider a custom exhibition? Based around your existing branding or our own, a custom exhibition from Warren Elsmore can fit into almost any space with an unlimited number of options. We have exhibits from the size of a matchbox to an enormous 8 metre long airport, and if the ideal exhibit doesn't exist, why not think about combining a commissioned piece to go with a custom exhibition? There really is no limit to the possibilities...