
Brick Dinos


A hugely popular educational and entertaining exhibition tour of incredible            authentic LEGO Dinosaurs. Brick Dinos enables visitors to immerse themselves in the world of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, developed in conjunction with palaeontologists.

From tiny insects to a raptor-like Masiakasaurus that’s four metres long audiences will be able to explore and come face to face with these amazing creatures. Watch out for the flying Pterodactyl as it flies over your heads.


Each custom-lit plinth features a recreation of a well-known dinosaur in context.  Crocodile-like Sarcosuchus lurks in a Cretaceous swamp.  Herds of Diplodocus graze a Jurassic forest.  There are LEGO recreations of fossils, dinosaur skeletons in museums, and paleontological digs.  A life-sized pterosaur hangs overhead, and the large models are brought to life with lighting effects and sound.

 Brick Dinos tours with a range of custom engagement activities for all ages.  Build your own prehistoric beast and add it to the play dioramas.  Dig for “fossilised” LEGO pieces.  See how your footprint compares with a dinosaur’s.  These and many more activities are included as a standard part of the tour, along with a “making of” video.

Brick Dinos is designed for larger venues, between 400 and 700 square metres, and works as both a stand-alone exhibition, and alongside natural history and archaeology collections. Many of the models are featured in Warren’s new Brick by Brick Dinosaurs book. which includes full instructions so you can build your favourite dinosaur at home.

Video & Gallery


Brick History


Custom Exhibitions