Tags in use:
Use the following tags to make articles appear in the relevant section;
For you
Corporate - “Corporate”
Museums and Galleries - “MuseumsAndGalleries”
Public Spaces - “PublicSpaces”
Fundraising -
Private Individuals -
What we do
BIG Builds - “BIG Build”
Mosaics - “Mosaic”
Commissions - “Commission”
Events - “Event”
Exhibition Tours - “Exhibition”
Retail - “Retail”
Mementos - “Memento”
Trade Stands - “TradeShow”
Studio Services - “Studio Hire”
Use multiple tags to make an article appear in more than one area. There is no limit to the number of tags. Lines in bold mean that the relevant page will only show articles that are ‘Featured’. i.e. we’ve gots lots of examples so we only want to show the best ones.