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Access to everything you need to host a successful exhibition or create an amazing one-off design!


New! - Brickopedia

Each of our tours, events or commissions come complete with a wide selection of resources.

Tours include items such as full style guides, images of the tour, promotional material and digital interactive resources. Events include example images you can use in the promotion, plus our own logos etc. Commissions include care documents to keep your model looking tip-top.

New for 2021 - you can not only access all of our information directly through Dropbox, but much of it is now also available to view online.


To directly provide access to all of our information, we use Dropbox as a method for sharing these files. This means that you can see the very latest version of our documents, which now totals over 40Gb - the equivalent of 10 DVD's!

There's no need to buy or install any software to look at our resources, and you can access these at no cost to you at all. If you wish, you can install the free Dropbox client, and our files will appear within Windows explorer or the Mac finder. Don't worry though, you only need disk space available to download what you want!

To access the Warren Elsmore Ltd Dropbox folder, click below and you can take a look at everything we have to share!